We are sending warm greetings and sincere wishes to all our Muslim friends for a prosperous and Selamat Hari Raya!
We are open on 22 April 2023, come down and kayak!
We will be closed from 21 January to 23 January 2023.
Operations will resume on 24 January 2023, 9.00 am.
Our CNY specials starts form 24 January to 05 February 2023!
We have 2 promotions specially for you:
1 hour Kayak Rentals:
2 hours ABC Kayaking:
Promotions are only valid for walk in patrons, not online booking.
Payment will be made on our Vending Machine.
Walk in now to enquire and enjoy these special rates!
Kindly take note of the following operating hours for New Year:
Day & Date | Public Holiday | Operating Hours |
Sunday 1 January 2023 | New Year’s Day | 8.00 am to 6.00 pm |
Monday 2 January 2023 | New Year’s Day (observed) | 9.00 am to 5.00 pm |
Saturday 21 January 2023 | Chinese New Year Eve | CLOSED |
Sunday 22 January 2023 | Chinese New Year (Day 1) | CLOSED |
Monday 23 January 2023 | Chinese New Year (Day 2) | CLOSED |
Tuesday 24 January 2023 | Chinese New Year (Day 3) | 9.00 am to 5.00 pm |
We have shifted!
Welcome to our new booking site!
We have shifted our booking site to https://adventure.camelotsg.biz/!
What’s new:
You can now make multiple bookings using 1 email before making 1 time payment.
You can easily apply your pass or rain checks.
Hassle-free and more convenient when making your bookings.
Reach us at LSWSC@CamelotSg.biz if you have any enquiries.
See you at our Centre! 🙂
Updated as of 26 April 2022
Hi All,
As we safely open up, your safety and well-being continues to be our priority.
In accordance with Sport Singapore’s latest advisory: https://www.sportsingapore.gov.sg/COVID19/Safe-Management-Measures
• Mask wearing is optional in outdoor settings but still required in indoor settings
• Safe distancing no longer required between individuals or groups
• No group size limits
• No longer required to check in via TraceTogether (TT)
Have fun responsibly, train hard responsibly. Please exercise social responsibility.
E.g. if you are tested positive, please inform your close contacts so they can test themselves.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Yes you heard us right!
We are excited as you are to be bringing this new booking site to you!
Please feel free to explore this new interface. 🙂
Updated as of 27 March 2022
Hi All,
As we safely open up, your safety and well-being continues to be our priority.
In accordance with Sport Singapore’s latest advisory: https://www.sportsingapore.gov.sg/COVID19/Safe-Management-Measures
• Mask wearing is optional in outdoor settings
• Group activities are allowed for up to 10 individuals
• Safe distancing of 1m to be adhered between groups of up to 10 individuals
• No cross mixing or cross playing between groups
We reserve the right to deny entry to any patron who do not abide by our measures.
We seek your cooperation to continue adhering to our Safe Management Measures as we engage in the sport that we love!
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!